Monday, April 20, 2015

Constructivist Approach in Learning

      In the video, Teacher Sarabinh Levy-Brightman helps competing teams prepare for a class debate on Jacksonian democracy and it was a constructivist approach which she tried to do. This helps students to improve their knowledge by exploring, understanding. After the all group members finished their work, they exhibited their ideas to each other in the classroom. They benefit each others' informations ,so they have at least a idea in any subject.

      Constructivist approach also helps students easing their over-work. Instead of gathering data in all subject,  each group has their own subject and they do their reseach on their own subject. This approach also helps teacher to gain time. If she didn't do such an approach, she would probably teach at most 2 subjects. This time, she got groups and each one has their own subject. They benefit from each others' knowledge and I think it is possible for students to learn more than 2 subjects in the same amount of time.

      I think the only drawback of the constructivist approach is misconstruction. If students are not capable of doing such a work or missunderstood the concept, it can be a problem for all students. In this section, the teacher should guide them well to avoid such things, so there would be no problem.

      I would feel comfortable while using such an approach because it improves students' communication skills which are one of the most important skills in today's world. Also, it would gain time for me. Moreover, they can explore and improve their ways to find the true knowledge. 

      I think Constructivist Approach improves some skills which can be very useful through students' lives such as communication, researching, sharing ideas and etc.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Designing instructional activities: differentiated instruction

      I remember my math teacher when I was at elemantary school. He has so much experiences about students so that he can easily make descriptions about students in his classroom. He recognized who is good at math from the first day and gave us tasks accordingly. In his exam, he had already known which student could solve problem 1 , problem 2. I was good at math those times and in one his exam, I couldn't solve the first problem which was the easiest one. Also, I was not the only one who was good at math and couldn't solve the problem. When we spoke with him, he said I have already known you couldn't solve this problem. The question was solved by everyone who took low grades, but I had solved all questions exept this one. He had known where I was good at. Also, he had always given as worksheets to improve our strengths in specific areas.

      When I become teacher, I will encourage my students to take risks, but for the reasonable ones. Also, I will teach and make them experienced about how they can have a sense of "what is reasonable?" so that they can take risks for their benefits and I think they will see the benefits of this even if they couldn't handle it. It makes them more experienced for the upcoming risks. I believe they will be the winner at the end of process.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Teaching as a Profession: Collaboration with Colleagues

       In my current college life, my relationship has always been good with my friends. I believe that they have lots of positive effects on me as I do on them. We always have conversations about our classes. These conversations could be on our homeworks, group works, projects, mid-terms, etc. . We help each other when we have a trouble about class issues. Thanks to that, we have a chance to understand our misconceptions.

       In the academic life, being successful requires studying hard. Also, collaboration needs working hard, so I think there is no weaknesses of collaboration if the concept was understood well. To improve collaboration skills, we should target our aim and know what we want. We should also consider goodness of each others. To gain experience, we should practice such collaborations because I think experience have a big importance when we talk about collaboration. Moreover, it is much easier when everybody knows their duties if there are distribution of tasks.

       When I become a teacher, I will transfer my knowledge about collaboration to my students when there is a task which requires collaboration by giving advices to them. I will begin to do that by teaching them steps which are where should they start, how can they think more efficiently and etc.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Why do I want to be a teacher?

         In my life, I have seen many kind of teachers. I want to be a mix by containing all effective and good characteristics of those teachers because I want my students to be best in the computer science. I believe that if I can be the effective teacher in my mind, I can accomplish all of my goals.

         Education is so important. It is also important taking it from right people. I want to do everything right for my students. I want to be a teacher to teach beneficial people for their society and themselves.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

My Teaching Belief

I am a second year student at METU NCC. My department is Computer Education And Instructional Technology. Thanks to the lessons which are given by qualified instructors in our campus, I have shaped my teaching belief very well in my mind although I am at the second year of my education. Especially, in our department, you should keep up with new technologies even if you have graduated because in computer science, you have to know programming languages, how the machines work, their technologies, new technologies about them to have a place in this world. All these I mentioned are changing day by day. They are improved by master of this environment in every second. You should see the masters to be a master or a better one. My teaching belief is to become a master in this area and give everything that I have experienced to my students.